We have 2 main focus areas, Job creation and education. On job creation side we have a youth development program, workshop for 40 disabled people, daycare for 30 disabled adults and daycare for 15 severely disabled children.

On education side we have our change makers program focusing on the prevention of school dropouts by strengthening the SGB, SMT, SBST and creating a community based support structure for schools. W also run a reading intervention at grade 2 to 4 level and sensory development intervention Gr R to 3 "Established out of our community for our community CAP implements interventions identified through community dialogue's and evaluated regularly to determine the relevance and the long term impact of what we do. Creating employment and development opportunities through our workshop where we manufacture dried fruit snacks for the retail market including Montagu dried fruits, Clicks and Checkers. Involving school dropouts in job readiness programs and giving them exposure to the work environment. With a big focus on supporting the most vulnerable in our community, the people living with disabilities, women and children.

Our focus with schools is the prevention of school dropouts with different interventions which includes: Development of the School Management teams, School Governing Boards and the School Based Support Teams. We established a core group comprising off all the principals in our town that get together once a month to discuss education in our town and how we can adjust to make it more effective. We run a reading en intervention GR 3 to 4 to make sure children can read with insight and a sensory development program with children that lag behind sensory wise. We also established a Community based support structure consisting of Social workers, Occupational therapists, psychologist, optometrists and councilors to support the School based support teams. Furthermore strengthening the youth leadership structure at schools to serve as the implementing foot soldiers at schools.

Contact Person

Herman Smit
+27 28 514 1025

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