At Datalab, we help you find exactly where your gaps are through an in-depth analysis of your databases, processes and systems. We determine where you are losing resources - whether time, labour or materials. Then we create linkages in your data management system to ensure that all the parts speak to each other and can be consolidated in meaningful and informative ways. This gives us the clarity we need to address any business development concerns at the project and organisation level. We incorporate social learning into all our work, evaluations and learning systems. The result is a thriving business where learning is ubiquitous and the value of gaining knowledge from one another is fully grasped and appreciated.

Have you lost sight of your overall purpose and found yourself stuck in micro-managing processes that don't yield tangible results? Do you and your team have little or no connection with your beneficiaries, and as a result, are you implementing interventions that are ill-suited to their needs?

We will help you create a culture and environment of trust so that people can get on with it and work. Watch your team adapt to change more easily with an ongoing improvement mindset, shared ownership for projects and shared accountability for the projects' results.

Contact Person

Mutsa Chinyamakobvu

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