The session commenced with a comprehensive NASCEE update by CEO Giles Gillett, which outlined the association’s progress in recent years and highlighted the exciting schedule of events available for members in the year ahead. Following this, Helen Nicholson delivered an interactive presentation on Mastering the Art of Personal Branding and Networking, sharing skills to enhance your personal brand, and emphasising the importance of growing your network and increasing your relevancy quotient.

Members shared their insights gained from the session:

Sophia Dower (New Leaders Foundation) "I gained some of the hints and tips around networking, but also the importance of networking within an education NGO environment. I'm aware of it, but it kind of brought it right to the surface," she said, emphasising the importance of maintaining one's reputation.

Nomfundo Xangu (The Learning Trust) - expressed her newfound confidence: "Learning to sell myself in 10 to 20 seconds was a game-changer. It's like making the perfect elevator pitch," she explained, pointing out that, as an introvert, she will benefit from the practical skills she gained during the event.

Nthabiseng Shongwe (Teach South Africa) highlighted the personal journey of introspection inspired by the event: "I am reflecting on what my personal brand is. It would be really nice to get to grips with myself and my professional development. I think that all of us have a blind spot and sometimes it takes people to just shed light on that to remind you of the kinds of areas that you can begin to work on as a professional and as a person as well.”

Overall, the event provided valuable networking opportunities and actionable insights for NASCEE members to enhance their professional presence and collaboration efforts.

If you missed this one, keep an eye out for future events with NASCEE, where possibilities grow!

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