Parenting Programmes in Early Childhood Development
Describes good practice elements needed in parenting programmes. It outlines 4 core areas of parental support: Programmes (e.g. principles, common topics, successful delivery models), Research and M&E, State Support Systems and Centralised Information and Resources.
This resource is useful to any organisation working with parents/ caregivers of young children, with the intention of offering parenting programmes. It offers good practice tips and describes some of the challenges that need to be taken into account when designing and delivering parent support programmes. ECD centres and early learning programmes may also find useful information on how to engage parents and caregivers. Some information in the Resources section may be outdated.
Collates knowledge shared about a range of different parenting programmes in BRDGE’s national and provincial ECD communities of practice over a number of years, and draws on the expert inputs of a working group of ECD CoP members. Developed in 2022 and still in use.